2023 Senior Men's Invitational Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Wed, July 19

Smuggler's Glen Golf Course
Time Hole Players
Smuggler's Glen Golf Course
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Arnold Chiasson (17.1) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 18B Gold Brian Matthey + Brian St. John + Gord Thomas
BRIAN Larin (16.6) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 12A Gold Bill Gonzales + Keith Hamilton + Watson Tidd
Barry Raycroft (9.8) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 11 White Danny Morrison + Mike Joly + Phil Howlett
Bill Gonzales (12.9) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 12A White BRIAN Larin + Keith Hamilton + Watson Tidd
Bob Collins (8.8) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 2A Gold Eric Stevens + Gawain Robertson + Scott Steele
Bob Dubs (20.3) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 17 White Frank Beckstead + Frank Phillips + Rodger Gollogly
Bob Mountford (11.8) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 4A Gold Brian Mountford + Gord Sinclair + Jim West
Bob West (10.0) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 13B Gold Glen Fast + Nick Waterfield + Ozzie Ricketts
Brian Mountford (11.7) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 4A Gold Bob Mountford + Gord Sinclair + Jim West
Brian Matthey (13.3) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 18B Gold Arnold Chiasson + Brian St. John + Gord Thomas
Brian St. John (10.0) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 18B Gold Arnold Chiasson + Brian Matthey + Gord Thomas
Bruno Chagnon (8.2) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 5A White Garth Mitchell + Glen Herrington + Peter Jacobs
Bryon Fife (5.4) WHT 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 5B White Gord Love + Mike Love + Tom Love
Craig Reynolds (10.4) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 14A White Jean-Luc Levesque + Paul Jr Lafreniere + Paul Sr Lafreniere
Dale Watts (3.7) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 7A White Peter Gilder + Scott Nickerson + Steve Martineau
Danny Morrison (8.9) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 11 Blue Barry Raycroft + Mike Joly + Phil Howlett
Dave Conner (4.9) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 10B White Glenn Caird + Joe Matthews + Shawn Selleck
Dave Redmond (10.5) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 7B White Joe Mangan + Michael Paquette + Ron Thompson
Dave Saunders (15.1) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 12B Blue Gerry Daoust + Louis Phillips + Tom McCurdy
Dave Seal (17.5) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 16B Blue Derek Swinnard + Jim Docherty + Michael Milne
Dave Sturgis (12.8) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 10A Gold Greg Barker + Norm Millar + Randy Frith
David Achtemichuk (8.3) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 1B White David Arrowsmith + Jeff Treptow + Jerry Traer
David Arrowsmith (9.9) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 1B White David Achtemichuk + Jeff Treptow + Jerry Traer
David Hale (14.1) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 1A White Larry Raymond + Mike McDonald + Paul Delaney
David Jamieson (15.5) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 3 Blue Denis Tremblay + Howard Radford + Serge Rossi
Dean Van Vugt (11.8) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 9 Blue Erik Lockhart + John Taylor + Paul Roman
Denis Tremblay (9.8) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 3 Blue David Jamieson + Howard Radford + Serge Rossi
Dennis Cameron (6.6) WHT 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 16A White Jack (Adnan) Moussaoui + Jamie Hall + Tim Aldridge
Derek Swinnard (22.2) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 16B Gold Dave Seal + Jim Docherty + Michael Milne
Dong Cao WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 2B White Mike Kramer + Robert Ashton + Scott Watson
Enzo Rizzi (9.5) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 4B White Kim Hutchinson + Robert Lloyd + Roger Asuncion
Eric Stevens (4.7) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 2A Gold Bob Collins + Gawain Robertson + Scott Steele
Erik Lockhart (4.7) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 9 White Dean Van Vugt + John Taylor + Paul Roman
Frank Beckstead (16.0) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 17 Blue Bob Dubs + Frank Phillips + Rodger Gollogly
Frank Phillips (8.8) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 17 White Bob Dubs + Frank Beckstead + Rodger Gollogly
Fraser McEwen Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 15B Blue Jim Kyle + Steve Fargo + Wayne Schnarr
Garnet Cunning (5.1) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 15A White Richard Edwards + Todd Bertrend + Todd Betteridge
Garth Mitchell (11.4) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 5A Blue Bruno Chagnon + Glen Herrington + Peter Jacobs
Gawain Robertson (2.9) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 2A White Bob Collins + Eric Stevens + Scott Steele
George Harrison WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 14B White John Simpson + Mike Chevrier + Steve Lefave
Gerry Daoust (17.0) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 12B Gold Dave Saunders + Louis Phillips + Tom McCurdy
Glen Fast (12.7) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 13B Gold Bob West + Nick Waterfield + Ozzie Ricketts
Glen Herrington (9.4) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 5A White Bruno Chagnon + Garth Mitchell + Peter Jacobs
Glenn Caird (9.3) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 10B Gold Dave Conner + Joe Matthews + Shawn Selleck
Gord Love (20.0) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 5B Gold Bryon Fife + Mike Love + Tom Love
Gord Sinclair (15.8) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 4A Blue Bob Mountford + Brian Mountford + Jim West
Gord Thomas (15.0) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 18B Blue Arnold Chiasson + Brian Matthey + Brian St. John
Grant Robertson (13.8) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 8B White Mike Keirstead + Scott Woodman + Steve Thompson
Greg Barker (12.0) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 10A Blue Dave Sturgis + Norm Millar + Randy Frith
Howard Radford (9.0) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 3 Gold David Jamieson + Denis Tremblay + Serge Rossi
Jack (Adnan) Moussaoui (2.7) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 16A White Dennis Cameron + Jamie Hall + Tim Aldridge
Jamie Hall (3.0) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 16A White Dennis Cameron + Jack (Adnan) Moussaoui + Tim Aldridge
Jamie Thompson (7.6) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 13A White Kelly Burt + Marty Rombough + Sean Lawler
Jean-Luc Levesque (13.6) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 14A Blue Craig Reynolds + Paul Jr Lafreniere + Paul Sr Lafreniere
Jeff Treptow (8.0) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 1B White David Achtemichuk + David Arrowsmith + Jerry Traer
Jerry Traer (11.9) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 1B White David Achtemichuk + David Arrowsmith + Jeff Treptow
Jim Docherty (17.1) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 16B Gold Dave Seal + Derek Swinnard + Michael Milne
Jim Kyle Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 15B Blue Fraser McEwen + Steve Fargo + Wayne Schnarr
Jim West (10.6) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 4A Gold Bob Mountford + Brian Mountford + Gord Sinclair
Joe Mangan (8.7) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 7B White Dave Redmond + Michael Paquette + Ron Thompson
Joe Matthews (2.2) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 10B White Dave Conner + Glenn Caird + Shawn Selleck
Joe Simpson (14.2) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 18A White Scott Arnold + Steve Holland + Tom Simpson
John Simpson Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 14B Blue George Harrison + Mike Chevrier + Steve Lefave
John Taylor (0.2) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 9 White Dean Van Vugt + Erik Lockhart + Paul Roman
Keith Hamilton (11.6) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 12A White BRIAN Larin + Bill Gonzales + Watson Tidd
Kelly Burt (4.2) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 13A White Jamie Thompson + Marty Rombough + Sean Lawler
Kim Hutchinson (9.0) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 4B Blue Enzo Rizzi + Robert Lloyd + Roger Asuncion
Larry Raymond (12.8) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 1A Blue David Hale + Mike McDonald + Paul Delaney
Lloyd Emmerson Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 6 Blue Paul Shortall + Peter Gauthier + Steve Killen
Louis Phillips (18.8) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 12B Gold Dave Saunders + Gerry Daoust + Tom McCurdy
Marc Carrier (1.2) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 8A White Mike Bondy + Steve Whelan + Tom Olesinski
Marty Rombough (10.7) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 13A White Jamie Thompson + Kelly Burt + Sean Lawler
Michael Milne (25.8) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 16B Gold Dave Seal + Derek Swinnard + Jim Docherty
Michael Paquette (7.1) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 7B White Dave Redmond + Joe Mangan + Ron Thompson
Mike Bondy (3.7) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 8A White Marc Carrier + Steve Whelan + Tom Olesinski
Mike Chevrier Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 14B Blue George Harrison + John Simpson + Steve Lefave
Mike Joly (9.2) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 11 White Barry Raycroft + Danny Morrison + Phil Howlett
Mike Keirstead (6.1) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 8B White Grant Robertson + Scott Woodman + Steve Thompson
Mike Kramer (16.3) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 2B White Dong Cao + Robert Ashton + Scott Watson
Mike Love (10.5) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 5B White Bryon Fife + Gord Love + Tom Love
Mike McDonald (11.7) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 1A White David Hale + Larry Raymond + Paul Delaney
Nick Waterfield (14.4) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 13B Blue Bob West + Glen Fast + Ozzie Ricketts
Norm Millar (16.8) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 10A Gold Dave Sturgis + Greg Barker + Randy Frith
Ozzie Ricketts (18.1) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 13B Gold Bob West + Glen Fast + Nick Waterfield
Paul Delaney (14.7) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 1A Blue David Hale + Larry Raymond + Mike McDonald
Paul Jr Lafreniere (6.0) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 14A White Craig Reynolds + Jean-Luc Levesque + Paul Sr Lafreniere
Paul Roman (6.5) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 9 White Dean Van Vugt + Erik Lockhart + John Taylor
Paul Shortall (12.3) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 6 Blue Lloyd Emmerson + Peter Gauthier + Steve Killen
Paul Sr Lafreniere (31.1) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 14A Gold Craig Reynolds + Jean-Luc Levesque + Paul Jr Lafreniere
Peter Gauthier Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 6 Blue Lloyd Emmerson + Paul Shortall + Steve Killen
Peter Gilder (5.5) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 7A White Dale Watts + Scott Nickerson + Steve Martineau
Peter Jacobs (6.9) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 5A White Bruno Chagnon + Garth Mitchell + Glen Herrington
Phil Howlett (7.4) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 11 White Barry Raycroft + Danny Morrison + Mike Joly
Randy Frith (7.5) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 10A Gold Dave Sturgis + Greg Barker + Norm Millar
Richard Edwards (4.2) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 15A White Garnet Cunning + Todd Bertrend + Todd Betteridge
Robert Ashton GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 2B Gold Dong Cao + Mike Kramer + Scott Watson
Robert Lloyd (4.2) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 4B White Enzo Rizzi + Kim Hutchinson + Roger Asuncion
Rodger Gollogly (19.2) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 17 Gold Bob Dubs + Frank Beckstead + Frank Phillips
Roger Asuncion (1.6) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 4B White Enzo Rizzi + Kim Hutchinson + Robert Lloyd
Ron Thompson (8.8) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 7B Blue Dave Redmond + Joe Mangan + Michael Paquette
Scott Nickerson (1.6) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 7A White Dale Watts + Peter Gilder + Steve Martineau
Scott Arnold (17.4) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 18A White Joe Simpson + Steve Holland + Tom Simpson
Scott Steele (11.8) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 2A White Bob Collins + Eric Stevens + Gawain Robertson
Scott Watson (19.7) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 2B Blue Dong Cao + Mike Kramer + Robert Ashton
Scott Woodman (7.3) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 8B White Grant Robertson + Mike Keirstead + Steve Thompson
Sean Lawler (11.5) Blu 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 13A Blue Jamie Thompson + Kelly Burt + Marty Rombough
Serge Rossi (21.3) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 3 Gold David Jamieson + Denis Tremblay + Howard Radford
Shawn Selleck (5.7) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 10B White Dave Conner + Glenn Caird + Joe Matthews
Steve Martineau (4.3) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 7A White Dale Watts + Peter Gilder + Scott Nickerson
Steve Fargo (10.1) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 15B White Fraser McEwen + Jim Kyle + Wayne Schnarr
Steve Holland (17.5) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 18A Blue Joe Simpson + Scott Arnold + Tom Simpson
Steve Killen WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 6 White Lloyd Emmerson + Paul Shortall + Peter Gauthier
Steve Lefave Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 14B Blue George Harrison + John Simpson + Mike Chevrier
Steve Thompson (3.0) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 8B White Grant Robertson + Mike Keirstead + Scott Woodman
Steve Whelan (5.8) Blu 65 to 69 Flight
9:00 AM 8A Blue Marc Carrier + Mike Bondy + Tom Olesinski
Tim Aldridge (7.5) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 16A White Dennis Cameron + Jack (Adnan) Moussaoui + Jamie Hall
Todd Bertrend (8.2) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 15A White Garnet Cunning + Richard Edwards + Todd Betteridge
Todd Betteridge (7.4) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 15A White Garnet Cunning + Richard Edwards + Todd Bertrend
Tom Love (7.6) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 5B Gold Bryon Fife + Gord Love + Mike Love
Tom McCurdy (16.8) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 12B Gold Dave Saunders + Gerry Daoust + Louis Phillips
Tom Olesinski (3.8) WHT 50 to 59 Flight
9:00 AM 8A White Marc Carrier + Mike Bondy + Steve Whelan
Tom Simpson (15.7) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 18A White Joe Simpson + Scott Arnold + Steve Holland
Watson Tidd (10.4) WHT 60 to 64 Flight
9:00 AM 12A White BRIAN Larin + Bill Gonzales + Keith Hamilton
Wayne Schnarr (12.3) GLD 70 and over Flight
9:00 AM 15B Gold Fraser McEwen + Jim Kyle + Steve Fargo